Civics 101

Calendar of civic events, Nov. 10-17


100 HOMES LAUNCH Join council members and advocates to discuss this housing initiative and to mark the start of Hunger & Home­less­ness Awareness Week. 5:30pm. City Hall, 301 W. Second.


VETERANS DAY PARADE up Con­gress Avenue, ending at the Capitol for a memorial service. 9am.

SAFEPLACE BENEFIT Central Texas Masonry Contractors Assoc. hosts a holiday party; proceeds go toward helping to end domestic violence. 6-10:30pm. Westin at the Domain. For ticket info email [email protected].


AUSTIN ANIMAL CENTER opens its doors with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. (See Ongoing, below, for how you can help.) 10:30am. 7201 Levander Loop.

WOMEN & FAIR TRADE FESTIV­AL Support economic justice at this annual crafts fair today and Sunday. 10am-6pm. The Old School, 1604 E. 11th.

FAMILY SYMPOSIUM Former Philadelphia School Super­intend­ent Arlene Ackerman is among today's speakers. 1-4pm. Greater Calvary Bible Church, 6510 Berk­man. Info: [email protected].


COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MEET-­UP Check out the city's long-range vision for growth, ask questions, share your views. 6-8:30pm. Seton Admin. Offices, 1345 Philomena.


THE FUTURE OF EAST 11TH & 12TH streets is on deck at this development strategy meeting. 6-8pm. Kealing Middle School Cafeteria, 1607 Pennsylvania.


The Roots, Future and Impli­cations of the Arab Spring Multimedia presentation by Yigal Carmon, founder of the Middle East Media Research Insti­tute. 7pm, Dell Jewish Com­munity Campus, 7300 Hart.


I-35 IMPROVEMENTS are slated from U.S. 290 East to William Can­non. Help define "affordable and effective improvements." 3-8pm. Austin Energy Building, Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Springs Rd.


FOSTER HOMES NEEDED Austin Animal Services needs temporary foster homes for adult dogs, cats, and rabbits through Nov. 17 as it transitions from the Town Lake Animal Center to its new digs on Levander Loop. Apply online at

WEATHERIZE YOUR HOME Snag a $200 bonus rebate through the end of the year for saving energy.

HELP FOR NONPROFITS Small nonprofits have until Nov. 21 to apply for free email marketing services from Emma. Apply at

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