CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF NEWS IN TEXAS Newshounds from across the state discuss the future of the fourth estate. 3:30pm. UT campus, Gebauer Bldg., Rm. 3.312. Free.
CONVERSATIONS WITH BOB TAYLOR The New York Times' John Markoff sits down with "Father of the Internet" Bob Taylor. 5-7pm. LBJ Auditorium, 2313 Red River, 232-3617. Free.
ST. JOHN/CORONADO HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN WORKSHOP 6:30-8:30pm. Virginia Brown Recreation Center, Rm. B, 7500 Blessing Ave.
WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO. 4 DEBATE See "Point, Counterpoint." 6pm. Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs Rd.
AUSTIN GREEN ART WEIRDEST COMMUTE CONTEST Celebrate Commute Solutions Month and win Austin City Limits Fest passes or an electric scooter for building the weirdest moving vehicle in Austin. 11am-1pm (sign-up at 10am; judging at noon). GSD&M Idea City parking lot, 828 W. Sixth. E-mail [email protected] or visit for details.
ETHICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTIN Hear from Sean Faircloth, who advocates for secular policies in Washington, D.C. 6:30pm. 5555 N. Lamar Ste. L-137, 835-9008. Free.
WALK FOR PEACE Commemorate International Day of Peace with a procession from the Capitol to City Hall, where speakers will discuss youth violence and call for the U.S. House to pass the Youth Promise Act. 5pm. Texas Capitol, 1100 Congress.
CAP METRO 2010 BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING See "Riding to the End of the Line." 5pm. Capital Metro headquarters, 2910 E. Fifth, 389-7400. Free.
CENTRAL WEST AUSTIN LAND USE PLANNING WORKSHOP 6:30pm. The Sanctuary, 2600 Exposition, 974-2865. Free.
NXNW DEMOCRATS MEET-UP6:15pm. Sherlock's Baker St. Pub & Grill, 9012 Research Ste. C-1, 380-9443. Free.
BEYOND WALLS & CAGES A talk from activist and scholar Jenna Loyd on the interplay between U.S. immigration and penal policies. 6pm. MonkeyWrench Books, 110 E. North Loop, 407-6925. Free.
COMMUNITY CONVERSATION: AISD 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN 6pm. William B. Travis High School, 1211 E. Oltorf, 414-9961. RSVP required.
HAAM BENEFIT DAY Eat at a participating restaurant to benefit the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians. For venues, see
HERITAGE HILLS/WINDSOR HILLS LAND USE MEETING 6:30pm. Dobie Middle School, 1200 E. Rundberg.
TOWN HALL: FUTURE OF AUSTIN ENERGY Discuss the greenest and most affordable ways to keep Austin's lights on through 2020. 6pm. City Hall, 301 W. Second.
FAITH & POLITICS WITH E.J. DIONNE Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. discusses his book Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith & Politics After the Religious Right. Texas Freedom Network hosts. 6:30pm. First Baptist Church of Austin, 901 Trinity, 322-0545. Free.
CELEBRATION OF CHOICE An evening of music and a silent auction for NARAL Pro-Choice Texas. 6pm. Threadgill's World HQ, 301 W. Riverside, 462-1661. $45.
COUNCIL ON AT-RISK YOUTH ANNIVERSARY Celebrate CARY's 10th year. Father Greg Boyle, an expert on gangs and founder of Homeboy Industries, will talk about his experiences with at-risk youth. Music and a silent auction precede the talk. 6pm. Hilton Downtown, 500 E. Fourth, 451-4592. $100.
SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS TALK Video and discussion on the coup in Honduras and U.S. foreign policy. 8pm. MonkeyWrench Books, 110 E. North Loop. Free (donations accepted).
ARE YOU A CIVIC ANIMAL? Go forth, citizens, and check out new website to learn more about local organizations, city officials, and the great civic web that is the city of Austin.
PRESERVE THE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT If you're more impressed by historic buildings than fancy new condos, this is the petition for you. Put your e-signature on the line, and keep Austin old.
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