Fri., July 11, 2008
Thursday 10
HISPANIC VOTER OUTREACH MEETING 6pm. TCDP Coordinated Campaign Office, 1107 N. I-35. [email protected].
GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PUBLIC MEETING Join the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board of directors for a discussion on the new groundwater management plan. 6pm. BSEACD offices, 1124 Regal Row, 282-8441. www.bseacd.org/rules.html.
Friday 11
ANIMAL CRUELTY EXPOSÉ Jorja Fox of CSI: Las Vegas joins Animal Defenders International today to present an undercover documentary exposing the prevalence of violence – even in Texas – toward animals in traveling circuses. 10:30am. Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second. www.ad-international.org.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Learn how to be a successful community leader. Register by phone or e-mail. July 11-12, Fri., 12:30-6:30pm; Sat., 9am-3pm. 210/222-8430 x3. $35. [email protected], www.greenspacesalliance.org.
FREEDOM SUMMER: A HIP-HOP FOR JUSTICE CONCERT brings together area social-justice organizations for an evening of music, spoken word, and Know Your Rights training sessions to raise scholarship money for attendees of this summer's National HipHop Political Conference in Las Vegas. 7pm-2am. Victory Grill, 1104 E. 11th. $5-10. www.nhhpc.org.
VETERANS ON IRAQ KOOP's People United (1pm) and Alternative Radio (2pm) both feature U.S. military veterans today – including U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright, co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience – discussing the war. KOOP Radio 91.7FM.
Saturday 12
BUS RIDERS UNION MEETING 4pm. Austin History Center, 810 Guadalupe. Free. www.busatx.org.
JAMES CROSS AND DENISE GAMINO talk about their new book, Around the World With LBJ. 3pm. BookPeople, 603 N. Lamar, 472-5050.
LADY BIRD LAKE CLEANUP 10am-noon. Lady Bird Lake, Stevie Ray Vaughan statue. (Volunteers celebrate tonight, 6-8pm, Opal Divine's Penn Field, 3601 S. Congress.) Sign up at www.barefootbeachrescue.com.
PUBLIC MEETING: BRACKENRIDGE TRACT The city Neighborhood Planning and Zoning Department is seeking comments on a proposed makeover of the UT-owned Brackenridge Tract, which includes the city-leased Lions Municipal Golf Course and 500 student apartments. 9am-1pm. Lower Colorado River Authority's Redbud Center, 3601 Lake Austin Blvd., 974-2865.
Sunday 13
GREEN PARTY MONTHLY MEETING Ventana del Soul, 1834 E. Oltorf, 707-7447. www.traviscountygreens.org.
PEACE SUNDAY A potluck in the name of world peace. 1pm. Human Potential Center, 2007 Bert, 441-8988. Free. www.humanpotentialcenter.org.
Monday 14
LIVE MUSIC PUBLIC HEARING 6pm. City Hall, 301 W. Second, 974-2250. www.cityofaustin.org/council/livemusictaskforce.htm.
STOP DOMAIN SUBSIDIES MEET-UP Join in tonight's discussion of a planned charter amendment for November. 6:30-8:30pm. Güero's Taco Bar, 1412 S. Congress. www.stopdomainsubsidies.com.
WHERE'D THE VICTORY GRILL GO? That's what you might be asking if height limits are modified for the buildings going up around the historic Eastside music venue. Tonight's Urban Renewal Board meeting addresses these modifications, and you're invited to comment. See "Naked City," for more. 6pm. Street-Jones Building, 1000 E. 11th, Rm. 400-A. www.cityofaustin.org/agenda/2008/urb_071408.htm.
Tuesday 15
GLOBAL NATURE OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS Join the Austin Technology Council for lunch and a discussion of globalization and its impact on the future. 11am. Barton Creek Country Club, 8212 Barton Club Dr., 305-0023. $55 ($45, members). www.austintechnologycouncil.org.
Wednesday 16
COFFEE JOLT & THINK TANK Talk local and national politics with Travis Co. Commissioner Sarah Eckardt at this casual monthly get-together. 8-9:30am. Russell's Bakery & Coffee Bar, 3339 Hancock, 419-7877. www.saraheckhardt.com/events.
Thursday 17
GEORGE LAKOFF The linguist and author of insta-classic Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values, Frame the Debate is in town to discuss his latest book, The Political Mind: Why You Can't Understand 21st-Century American Politics With an 18th-Century Brain. 7pm. BookPeople, 603 N. Lamar, 472-5050.
NETROOTS NATION See "Building the Netroots Nation." Thu.-Sun., July 17-20. Austin Convention Center, 500 E. Cesar Chavez, 404-4000. $450. www.netrootsnation.org.
THE FUTURE OF WATER IN CENTRAL TEXAS The Lower Colorado River Authority hopes all Central Texans will join in the conversation about the future of the region's water supply. Meetings are coming up later this summer, but there's no need to wait – speak your mind online at www.lcra.org/watersupply.
LIVE MUSIC TASK FORCE SURVEY Help the live music capital of the world live up to its name by submitting your opinions today: www.cityofaustin.org/council/livemusictaskforce.htm. Through July 31.
NEIGHBORHOOD BEAUTIFICATION GRANTS Time's almost up: If you've got a project in mind for your neighborhood, apply for funding by Mon., July 14. 391-0619. www.keepaustinbeautiful.org/nbg.
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