@ Newsdesk
Of Fear and FISA
By Wells Dunbar, Fri., Feb. 22, 2008
Despite the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act's broad spying justifications, allowing surveillance to occur on suspects as soon as probable cause exists, days in advance of the need for a court order, President Bush and Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell have shamelessly played the fear card, gravely warning that American lives are in the balance if Congress doesn't pass the Protect America Act for good. (FISA itself is going nowhere.) Never mind that Bush has threatened to veto any extension of the act absent telecom immunity, hence, by his own admission, putting AT&T and Verizon's legal costs ahead of sacrosanct homeland security. (Keith Olbermann eviscerated this turkey in his "Special Comment" Thursday night, Jan. 14.)
With such high-flying fearsome fuckery afoot, it isn't surprising Texas politicos have inveighed on the FISA follies.
Posted Friday, Feb. 15, on Newsdesk, the Chronicle News blog; continue reading at austinchronicle.com/newsdesk.
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