City Planning: Goodbye Riley, Hello Weiss
Planning Commission loses attorney, gains architect
By Katherine Gregor, Fri., Aug. 24, 2007
Of his accomplishments during his service, Riley said he is most proud of participating in the city's transition toward more mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly development. He also has advocated for reduced parking requirements for Downtown residential projects. Riley worked to reinvigorate the commission's three main committees (Codes and Ordinances, Comprehensive Planning, and Neighborhood Planning) and to establish regular monthly committee meetings. He also served as the commission's representative on the Commercial Design Standards Task Force, the Water Conservation Task Force, and the Downtown Commission – where he now must also be replaced.
Council Member Brewster McCracken plans to appoint architect Richard Weiss – who now serves on the Design Commission – to the vacancy. McCracken said he hopes to have Weiss in place before the Planning Commission starts hearing Vertical Mixed Use cases (to opt in or opt out specific properties) from the neighborhoods. Weiss Architecture designs mixed-use projects similar to those promoted through the city's VMU ordinance.
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