Sally Shipman, R.I.P.
Former City Council Member will be particularly remembered for devotion to preserving and enhancing city's neighborhoods
By Michael King, Fri., June 1, 2007
Former Austin City Council Member Sally Shipman died Monday in Houston. Shipman served on the council from 1983 to 1990 and will be particularly remembered for her devotion to preserving and enhancing the city's neighborhoods. One of her major initiatives was the creation of the Capitol-view corridors, a local institution currently under review (see "Developing Stories"). On May 1, in what was one of her last public actions, she wrote to Mayor Will Wynn, the City Council, and the Downtown Commission, to "share [her] deep concern regarding the proposed elimination or revision of a number of Capitol view corridors."
"Over time," she wrote, "the corridors have worked exceptionally well to balance preservation while encouraging downtown growth and density." She called proposals to eliminate or revise the corridors "unwarranted and unwise," adding that the Capitol, while "a tremendous asset to the City of Austin belongs to all Texans." She closed by urging the mayor and council to retain the existing view corridors. "In so doing, you will be able to share in the tremendous satisfaction of telling your children and grandchildren that your public service legacy includes preserving the remaining views of the Capitol."
The full letter can be downloaded here (PDF).
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