Weed Watch
Hold Off on That Mexico Road Trip
By Jordan Smith, Fri., June 2, 2006
In other news, from the Dept. of Really Bad Ideas, two Dallas-area 18-year-olds, Ian Walker and Joseph Tellini, are now facing multiple felony charges of assault on a public servant for serving marijuana-laced bran muffins to school office employees at Northeast Dallas' Lake Highlands High School on May 16. What began as a juvenile prank quickly became a bad trip when school officials who'd eaten the muffins which Walker reportedly said he'd baked as part of an Eagle Scout project began complaining of nausea, headaches, and lightheadedness. That prompted the FBI to get involved in the event that the illnesses were caused by terrorist-related food supply contamination. While the inquiry failed to turn up terrorist intent, chemical testing did reveal pot in the pastries, sending Walker and Tellini to the pokey. "They were just thinking it would be fun to get these teachers all silly and giggly," 86-year-old school receptionist Rita Greenfield told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "I do not think of this as a prank at all. It has caused heartaches and hard feelings." Greenfield spent two days in the hospital after consuming the muffins in part, reports The Dallas Morning News, because she "couldn't stop laughing."
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