Mobility By The Numbers
Fri., March 11, 2005
AISD's most stable schools are on the west side, while the highest turnover is on the east. Not surprisingly, high stability corresponds with high test scores and state performance ratings, while high mobility corresponds to a more struggling student population. The figures below show the most and least mobile schools, with the percentage of student mobility and accountability ratings.
The 10 Most Mobile AISD Elementary Schools
40.2% Linder (Acceptable)38.4% Harris (Un(Acceptable))
35.0% Oak Springs (Acceptable)
34.6% Cook (Acceptable)
33.9% Blackshear (Acceptable)
32.1% Andrews (Acceptable)
31.6% McBee (Acceptable)
31.2% Hart (Acceptable)
31.2% Reilly (Recognized)
31.1% Sims (Acceptable)
The 10 Least Mobile AISD Elementary Schools
2.4% Pease (Recognized)2.6% Highland Park (Exemplary)
4.4% Casis (Exemplary)
4.8% Gullett (Recognized)
4.9% Kiker (Exemplary)
6.7% Baranoff (Exemplary)
7.3% Bryker Woods (Recognized)
7.3% Hill (Exemplary)
8.2% Barton Hills (Exemplary)
8.6% Cowan (Recognized)
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