The Austin Chronicle

A Split for the 3rd Court

By Jordan Smith, November 5, 2004, News

Candidates for the two contested spots on Texas' 3rd Court of Appeals spent Tuesday watching, watching, watching as the numbers rolled, then eked, in. In the end, Republican Perry-appointee incumbent Judge Bob Pemberton squeaked a victory over Democratic challenger Diane Henson for Place 6, while incumbent Democratic Place 4 Judge Jan Patterson pulled enough votes against challenger Bill Green to retain her seat for another four years.

Pemberton, who raised more and spent more than Henson, held onto his seat in the 22-county 3rd Court district with just 52% of the vote, in the face of Henson's huge win in Travis Co. itself. Meanwhile, Green, who barely campaigned, was apparently able to snag enough GOP straight-ticket support to likewise hold Patterson to 52%. What does this say about either of the incumbents? For that matter, what does it say about the power of a Bush at the top of the ticket?

Either way, Henson says that the entire campaign process has strengthened her resolve. "I think I'm a better person today – a better person with a wonderful sense of people," she said. "I know this: I will not stop fighting for the people of Texas because there is a huge difference between them and us."

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