Justice for HPD Lab Victim?
Josiah Sutton waits on state leaders to clear his name
By Jordan Smith, Fri., April 16, 2004
State Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, applauded Huffman's decision and chastised the BPP for its failure to act on Sutton's behalf the board "has chosen to sit idly by, claiming that it is limited by self-imposed procedural guidelines," he said in a press release. If the court and BPP fail to act, lawmakers may come to Sutton's aid, crafting legislation to erase his conviction, similar to a move legislators undertook last spring to clear the records of 13 defendants from the infamous Tulia drug sting. "The incarceration of innocent persons is a threat to the integrity of our entire criminal justice system, and we should therefore take all steps to rectify the problem," said Ellis, while renewing the call for lawmakers to create an innocence commission to study cases of false imprisonment. A revenue-neutral bill that would've created such a commission languished in committee last spring.
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