Naked City
All He Needs Is Peace
By Michael King, Fri., Sept. 21, 2001
From that perspective, you might think WorldPeace's campaign would be, well, more pacific. On the contrary, his automated personal phone calls to voters (he promises to call every registered voter in Texas at least three times) are more than a little bellicose. Consider this recent excerpt:
"Texas is being taken over by godless men whose corruption is without bounds. This corruption and immorality in high places is about to destroy Texas. Godless men with histories of worshipping money and power openly plot the plundering of Texas... Ben Barnes, who 30 years ago was determined by the people of Texas as being unworthy and unfit to be lieutenant governor of this state after his suspected involvement in the Sharpstown scandal, is obviously trying to use his power to rape and pillage our great state. Mr. Barnes and his candidate for governor, Tony Sanchez, the $600 million man from Laredo, Texas, are even at this moment conferring on how best to plunder our state. This is the Tony Sanchez whose failed S&L laundered $25 million in drug money, the Tony Sanchez who just five months ago tried to destroy the good name of [Sec. of State] Henry Cuellar by calling him a homosexual. ...
"It is time to clean house, it is time to say no to Evil, it is time to say no to Tony Sanchez, Marty Akins, and their current puppeteer, Ben Barnes. It is time to vote for WorldPeace, it is time for an end to politics as usual. Vote for WorldPeace."
Hey, Johnny Baby, how 'bout chillin' a little bit. Peace, man.
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