Naked City
Action Items
Fri., Nov. 5, 1999
The Zilker Neighborhood Association will hold its first Fall Zestival, with entertainment, storytelling, arts and crafts, and music, from 10am-3pm on Saturday, Nov. 6 at the Kinney Ave. Baptist Church, 1801 Kinney.
Mathews Elementary School, located at 906 West Lynn, will be officially designated as an Austin Historical Landmark on Friday, Nov. 5 at 8am. Call 427-5960 for more info.
The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty will hold its first annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 6, at the Red Lion Hotel, 6121 N. I-35. The Hon. David Reynolds, chair of the Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Assoc., will speak. Call Patsy Alenik at 252-9759 for info.
The Austin Sierra Club will hold a discussion titled "Motorcars, Music & the Millennium: From Bad Air to Good Choices" on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 8:30am-3pm at the First Unitarian Church, 4700 Grover. There'll be speakers, live music, and food donated by several area restaurants. For more info call Dick Kallerman, 444-1326.
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