Naked City
If You Build It ...
By Rob D'Amico, Fri., Nov. 5, 1999
The Hays County Commissioners Court set a final public hearing on its draft 2025 Multi-Corridor Transportation Plan for Monday, Nov. 8, at 2pm, although it's still uncertain whether the final document will include the controversial roadway extension of MoPac south to San Marcos.
The MoPac segment was the main target for opponents of the plan, who felt the extension would spur large-scale development for commuters to Austin. Hundreds of residents turned out at four public meetings to protest the plan, which will be presented to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) as official input for its own 2025 plan.
Hays County Judge Jim Powers says he still needs to consult with individual commissioners regarding their suggested changes to the document, which was originally presented to the commissioners court at its Sept. 16 meeting but was tabled after protesters said they had been given no opportunity for public input.
Powers says it's likely, however, that changes to the plan will be presented at the Monday hearing.
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