Naked City
Action Items
Fri., Sept. 24, 1999
A long-awaited 12-foot-tall bronze sculpture of Martin Luther King Jr., will be unveiled on the East Mall side of UT's Main Building (the Tower) at noon Friday, Sept. 24, following a 9:30am march beginning on the South Mall.
The Central Texas American Civil Liberties Union will hold its monthly Public Forum on police accountability at Furr's Cafeteria in Northcross Mall at 11:30am Friday, Sept. 24. Austin attorney Ann del Llano, a member of the Sunshine Project for Police Accountability and the ACLU, will speak.
A Triangle Square community meeting to discuss updates on development plans in North Central Austin will be at 7pm Sept. 30 in the Stephen F. Austin Building, Rm. 118, 1700 N. Congress.
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