CONVERSATIONS WITH JOHN HERNDON is a new talk radio program airing on Sundays, noon-2pm on KJFK-FM 98.9. Poet, journalist, and teacher, John will focus on books and authors, the arts, ideas, and culture on his show. John promises lots of poetry and readings and interviews from and with authors, artists, scholars, and thinkers. Poets, authors, musicians, artists, and arts organizations are encouraged to send books, CDs, schedules, and other material to: John Herndon, 3616 Far West Blvd. #101-145, Austin, TX 78731-3074.
ART-CORE is now accepting submissions of photos, drawings, paintings, video, et cetera. They support uncensored anarchistic art - and have been doing so for quite some time now, kiddies. PO Box 49324, Austin, TX 78765. 323-0774.
NERVE COWBOY is accepting submissions of poetry, short fiction (up to five pages), and black-and-white artwork for issue #3. They would especially like subs from Texas. So torpedo yo' hoagie-burritoed schtuff along with a SASE to: Joseph Shields and Jerry Hagins, PO Box 4973, Austin, TX 78765.
LITERALLY, Austin Monthly Journal of the Liberal Arts, is accepting submissions of art, cartoons, photography, fiction, and poetry, etc. Send to: Terry R.W. Whisenant, 1700 Burton, #423, Austin, TX 78741.
PATCHWORK POEMS Submissions must be received by the full moon each month (next full moon is Mar 24). Send to: New Moon Publishing, 1528 W. Contour, Suite 103, San Antonio, TX 78212. Fax: 210/684-3050.
SHORT FICTION WRITERS' GROUP welcomes beginning to professional writers for critique. First Sun each month at the Austin History Center, 810 Guadalupe. 1-3pm. 467-2588 or e-mail [email protected]
BOOK PEOPLE, 603 N. Lamar, reading group meets every other Wednesday, 6:30-8pm on a new topic every two months. Call for a schedule and/or to get on mailing list. 472-5050 or 459-8081.
*Book People's Book Group meets 6:30-8pm in the Community Room, third floor. The current session of the group features Granta magazine's best young American novelists. (Mar 26 Iona Moon; April 16 Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner; April 30 Little Altars Everywhere by Rebecca Wells; May 14 Wildlife by Richard Ford; May 28 Liar's Club by Mary Karr; June 11 All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy; June 25 A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines.) For the schedule/to reserve a spot call 472-5050. 603 N. Lamar. 459-8081.
AIR SALON is the current poetry and theatre radio show from KVRX-FM with hosts Caitlin Wood and Phil West. Tuesdays, 7-7:30pm. Send submissions: Air Salon c/o KVRX-FM, UT, PO Box D, Austin, TX 78713.
WRITING FROM THE HEART, North Village Branch Library, 2139 W. Anderson, writing group, every other Sat, 11am-1pm. 445-6573.
BORDERS hosts literary discussion groups every Wednesday at 7:30pm. The Literary Discussion Group meets the first Wed of each month; the Mystery Group meets the second Wed; the SF folks meet the third Wed: Mar 19 features Tim Powers' Anubis Gates; and Horror meets the fourth Wed: Mar 26 is Muriel Grey's Trickster. Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Borders, 10225 Research.
Sat, March 15, 5:15pm featues a booksigning by Max Cannon, author/artist of the Red Meat comics series. 795-8410.
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE POETS! Different musical, dramatic, and poetic guests each week. Free admission, tip jar passed for the artists. Saturdays, 7pm, Quackenbush's on Guadalupe.
BONGO NIGHT WITH MAX NOFZIGER AND THOM the World Poet. Or is Larry Cordle the other host? You be the judge. Every other Wednesday. Next up Mar 19. Special guests each time with many fabulous surprises! Free, tip jar accessible. Wednesdays, 8:30-11pm, Flipnotics on Barton Springs.
THE AUSTIN INTERNATIONAL POETRY FESTIVAL is set for April 4-6. Planning meetings are held every Mon at 6:30pm at Sharri's Sidewalk Cafe (formerly Cafezino), 5416 Parkcrest Dr. Open mike follows at 7:30pm. Festival volunteers are needed and anyone interested is welcome to come and participate. 335-8599 or e-mail: [email protected]
RUTA MAYA presents APAL open readings every Tuesday from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Located at 218 W. Fourth. John Hawk, 371-1254.
STORYTELLERS OF AUSTIN performs traditional and original stories at Koffee `n Ice Cream, 6700 Middle Fiskville Rd. Guest tellers welcome. Mondays, 6:30-8pm. 453-0665.
HYDE PARK UNPLUGGED features hosts Glen Alyn and Steve Brooks. Thursdays, 7-9pm. Joel T's Cafe, 41st & Guadalupe. 453-8482.
JUDGE ROY'S BEAN EMPORIUM, 604 Brazos, presents Langtry's Poetry Open Mike, Tuesdays, 8-10pm. Surprise guests. 928-0619 or 837-8693.
MOJO'S DAILY GRIND, 2714 Guadalupe, features gibberish @ 10pm every Fri. Sign up before 9:30. Bring some, make some up, or just listen. Poets, storytellers, ranters, rêvers. They're flexible. Hosted by Naomi Frye. 477-6656.
WORDSNIGHT The Blue Pearl, 129 E. Hopkins, San Marcos is a new open-mike poetry reading, held every other Sunday, 7-9pm. Storytellers are also welcome; limit three poems or stories per person. Hosted by Bob Clark. 369-1689.
SPIDER HOUSE welcomes poets on DRY nights to the outdoor stage on Wed nights at 7pm. The Austin Poets at Large meet before the reading at 6pm to plan various and sundry poetrying deviltry, and all are welcome to the meeting and reading. Call John Hawk. 2908 Fruth, just east of Guadalupe between 29th and 30th (behind Antone's). 371-1254.
* THE GAY, LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL READING GROUP welcomes new members. The next book is Dorothy Allison's Skin: Talking About Sex, Class and Literature. The April meeting is Wed, Apr 2 (American Studies, a novel by Mark Merlis). They meet the first Wed of the month at 7:30 in the Community Room of BookPeople, Sixth & Lamar. 708-8119.
* THE AUSTIN POETRY ENSEMBLE (APE) features Mike Henry, Peter Manriquez, Susan Somers-Willett, Hilary Thomas, Genevieve Van Cleve, and Phil West. These sorted (sordid?) circus runaways from Blue Plates and environs will perform their no-net, high-wire poetics on a monthly basis in costuming yet to be determined. (It's too scary for the children in the audience for the APE to attempt weekly derring-do of such a volatile nature and Slam-seamytresses Van West is still wrestling in the basement with the fish hook thong prototype.) The last Friday of each month at 8:30pm in the Electric Lounge.
*THE ELECTRIC LOUNGE POETRY SLAM is hosted by Slamistress Genevieve Van Cleve on the first Tuesday of each month at 8pm. Monthly winners will qualify for the slamoff to determine next year's Austin Poetry Slam Team competing in the National poetry Slam. And each monthly winner gets 50 green slims for their winning ways. 302 Bowie. 476-FUSE.
*AUSTIN POETRY SOCIETY meets 10am on the third Saturday of each month, through May. North Loop Library, 2210 Hancock Dr. 276-7858.
*BORDERS BOOKS & MUSIC, 10225 Research. The fourth Wed of each month at 7:30 features free poetry readings with special guests each month. Hosted by Barbara Carr. 795-9553.
*AUSTIN HISTORY SHORT FICTION GROUP meets in the O. Henry Room, first Sunday of each month, 1-3pm. 467-2588.
*BARNES & NOBLE, Arboretum Poetry the second Thursday each month, 7:30-10pm. Hosted by John Berry. Round-robin open-mike follows. 928-0619 or 837-8693.
Third Thursday of each month (Mar 20), AWL and the Texas Commission on the Arts sponsors a Poetry Workshop at the B&N shop led by Jill Timmons, 7:30-10pm. Bring 10 or more copies of any one-page, original poem. 335-7078.
Women's Book Discussion Group meets at the Arboretum store at 7pm every fourth Wed.
The Fiction Book Group at the Arboretum meets at 7:30 on the last Monday of the month. 502-8468 or 418-8985.
*AND AT WESTLAKE Barnes & Noble at 2757 Bee Caves: Herman Nelson hosts poetry sponsored by the Texas Commission on the Arts and the Austin Writers' League the last Thursday of each month from 7:30-10pm. Open mike follows featured poets. 928-0619 or 837-8693.
A Poetry Workshop sponsored by the Texas Commission on the Arts and the Austin Writers' League is held on the first Thursday of each month from 7:30-10pm. Hosted by Barbara Carr. Bring 10 or more copies of any one page original poem. 343-7940.
Other events at the Westlake location: two children's story times, Wed and Sat, 11am.
Book Discussion Group idea? Seminar idea? Call Amy at Barnes & Noble: 418-8985.
* Women's Book Discussion Group every fourth Wed, 7:30pm (call 477-6318). More poetry! There are men and women suited behind steel and glass buildings, Xian, rationalist sons o' bitches who are eating the planet out from under us and we really ought to think about doing something real about it. End the cultural ideas of nationalism, racism, sexism, age-ism, and consumerism, the true obscenities of the culture. Their greed and fear and callow selfishness, sheer irresponsibility are killing us as the planet is ravaged to its very core. Save the children. Save our planet. Change the culture now. Vaya con alteración.
walking with the taste of your coffee and your lover
on your tongue
swinging and a-smiling and a-swaying
are your buns
if you don't have a spoon handy
the best way to swirl your cream in your coffee
is to tongue it gently . . . .
- John
Cutaia, "Coffee" (an excerpt) track 3 on Glosso Babel's CD, Swinging
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