The Other “ACL” – Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta – Hits Sagebrush on Saturday
Austin all ears for Hickoids, the Beaumonts, Hamell on Trial, the Krayolas, Kathy McCarty and more
By Tim Stegall, Fri., Oct. 1, 2021
Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta 2021
Sagebrush, Saturday 2It's that time of year. People the world over descend upon Austin, celebrating music and fellowship, gathering in one spot to hear some of the finest rock & roll bands in the land and have a good time. Indeed, it's time once again for ACL ... Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta.
Begun 12 years ago by Hickoids/Saustex Media main man Jeff Smith to obviously cock a snoot at a certain other mammoth event bearing the same initials, this'll be the first in-the-flesh manifestation of the Fiesta since we all entered COVID World (Smitty bravely organized a two-day streaming version for 2020). This year, the Corn Lovers Fiesta descends upon South Austin showgrounds Sagebrush for a one-day blowout, timed to not interfere with the March for Women's Reproductive Rights at the State Capitol, protesting Texas' new abortion laws that openly flip a middle finger to Roe v. Wade. Alternating across the Sagebrush's dual outdoor stages, though performances may move inside in case of thunderstorms, will be many of the usual suspects, plus some new faces: hilarious political punk/hard rockers Pocket Fishrmen, viciously satirical outlaw country outfit the Beaumonts, Glass Eye heroine Kathy McCarty, San Antonio power-pop vets the Krayolas, acoustic thrash folk poet Hamell on Trial, and the almighty Hickoids themselves, teaming with Arkansan singer Frontier Dan. This is the way to begin autumn.