Summer Loving
By Greg Beets, Fri., July 24, 2015
My Phone's About to Die (Pecan Crazy)The New Wave revivalism practiced by Patrick Healy and company dodges easy veneration at every turn. Pataphysics resemble scatter-happy scamps whose dramatic play involves setting fire to action figures. The local fivepiece enters a cultural salvage yard and builds a nitrous-infused atmosphere from snatches of hardcore Devo, pre-film score Danny Elfman, and They Might Be Giants' Dial-A-Song archive along with found public access video and obsolete computer software. Running through 23 tracks in 30 minutes, this royal purple cassette boasts more transitions than Laugh-In on fast-forward. "Cropped Out" courts herky-jerk heartbreak in the age of Photoshop. Post-9/11 travelscape "Airport" puts the absurdity of security theatre into sharp relief. And 10-second interstitials remind listeners to buckle up or die. A higher reading might intuit this as over-networked alienation in a fun-house mirror, or caffeinated commentary on the inflated importance afforded technology when a fritzed-up phone is deemed "about to die." If you can't log off, might as well have fun playing in the ruins.