Ghost Wolves
Man, Woman, Beast (Plowboy)
Reviewed by Kevin Curtin, Fri., June 6, 2014
Ghost Wolves
Man, Woman, Beast (Plowboy)Crunch blues duo Ghost Wolves opens its immaculately produced debut LP with fangs bared. Man, Woman, Beast strikes surf guitar superiority on "Shotgun Pistol Grip," where helium-voiced front babe Carley Wolf handles a one-string guitar and husband Jonny Wolf barks the stone-cold backup vocal "Grandma's a rebel, raised by the devil." The chant "Gonna Live" follows with oozy slide guitar and a howling pack of "na-na-na's," setting up the low-down seduction of "Baby Fang Thang" and she-wolf punk of "Grave Dollas," which Carley closes with a glass-shattering shriek. The platter's second half is rife with gristle, suffering creepy crawly whispers ("Ride the Wolf") and absurd lyrical taunts ("I'm Yo Mudda"). Only closer "Dangerous Moves," a slow, low ode to deadly women, reaches the songwriting standard set at the needle drop. While inconsistent, Man, Woman, Beast, with its campy blues and go-go gangsterism themes, proves the Ghost Wolves have the schtick, attitude, and charisma on lock.