The Austin Chronicle

Live Shots

SXSW showcase reviews

Reviewed by Michael Bertin, March 16, 2007, Music

Peter & the Wolf

Eternal, Friday, March 16

The charitable thing to do would be to not review the Peter & the Wolf showcase because any review would have a hard time being charitable. The bottom line is that it just wasn't that musical, which is a little unusual for, you know, a music conference. The local's post-indie, post-folk arrangements sounded like half-finished compositions played to what became half a crowd. If you're going to put an eight-person choir on stage, it's a good idea to use them, although even when they did "coo" they were barely audible. It's not entirely their fault as the sound was less than stellar, but there was just nothing dynamic about the band or the performance. Frontman Red Hunter wasted as much time between songs as he and the band did playing them, and he did about as many tequila shots (five) as the band played songs. Which is fine if you're Yes or entertaining. When your entire set comes off like Stephen Bishop on the stairs in Animal House singing "The Riddle Song," you should try to compensate with some personality.

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