Echoes of Eden DJ this and DJ that. Shane O'Madden is all the spinner you need. Laying down a swirling, silken web of late-night beats and siren cries, the local techno wunderkind swaths his Ibiza townhouse with splashes of mid-Nineties electro exotica -- Loop Guru, Perfume Tree, Hooverphonic. Chysta Bell, Naga Valli, and Jennifer Falker beckon with their dreamy come-hithers ("From My Cocoon," spellbinder No. 1 "Hypnotic," and "So Much Love to Give," respectively), while Anand Krishnamurthy and Oliver Rajamani play Dead Can Dance-r Brendan Perry to their female counterparts Lisa Gerrard-like pan-Arabic snake charms. Ephraim Owen's echoed horn pulse should beat through more undulations besides "Like I Do," but the hip-hop smear of Rajamani's follow-up, "Organic Beauty," makes a perfect segue. Maybe it was all the neon and ecstasy, but only on track 10, "So Much Love to Give," did this raver cop to O'Madden's serpentine violin, the instrument with which he conducts his trance-inducing live sets. "Raga," meanwhile, plucks some tin-can tones before washing ashore of Krishnamurthy's vocal incantations and a sea of vibe. In fact, the only buzz-kill connected with
Echoes of Eden, is that we're rudely cast out after a mere 37 minutes. Aren't these things supposed to last till dawn?