The longest continuously operated Drafthouse, the Alamo Drafthouse Village opened in 2001 on Anderson Lane before Anderson Lane was cool. The four-screen cinema specializes in first-run features, with Sony 4K digital projection allowing for both RealD 3D and 48 FPS screenings. Plus, with much of the American Genre Film Archive stored here, it also has 35mm screenings. A recent revamp added new padded chairs and shared tables for food and drink from the Drafthouse’s extensive menu delivered during screenings, and a new patio adds outdoor drinking from the bar.
Cake balls: Not just for breakfast anymore. The menu here features appetizers, salads, entrées, soups, and desserts complemented by a well-chosen wine list, a selection of local craft beers in bottles, and a roster of custom cocktails.
You could theoretically stay here all day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Daily hot plate specials include meat loaf with Creole sauce and pork loin over cornbread dressing. Expect a wait for weekend brunch.