The Austin Chronicle

By Land and by Sea

Two new experiences for drinkers on the go

By Lee Nichols, November 4, 2011, Food

Far be it from me to look down upon drinking at the neighborhood pub. It is, for me, what attending church is to others – an uplifting experience, a communion, a chance to revitalize the soul. It is steeped in tradition and ceremony.

Oh, and it's a lot of fun, too.

But, again like church, it can fall into too much of a routine. Sometimes you have to shake things up a bit. Maybe move out of the pews and into a big-tent revival. Or rather, get off the bar stool and move around some.

No, I don't mean go to the parking lot for a smoke. I mean really move around, like I did on a couple of recent occasions – by land and by sea.

My drinking adventures came courtesy of a couple of local entrepreneurs: Bats & Beers and PubCrawler of Austin. The former did everything for me: a cruise, floating me around Lady Bird Lake while I quaffed local microbrewery beers and ate good food. The latter required a bit of work pedaling a bicycle – of sorts – but it was worth the effort.

Lee Nichols blogs about beer at

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