Dear Editor,
One of the reasons why I moved to Austin was the close-knit cycling community that our beautiful city provides. As such, I enjoyed most of Kevin Curtin’s article ["
The Joy of Bicycling," Culture, April 21] on the joy of cycling in Austin. But Mr. Curtin stumbled from an inclusive tone into exclusivity on paragraph 3, column 1, page 27 when he used the phrase “sport cyclist” when referring to a couple of Austin’s famous (or infamous, depending on your opinion) cycling legends.
I wear lycra cycling clothes. I own a couple of expensive road bikes that rival the value of my car. I train for competitive cycling events and I race against others my age a couple of times a year. According to Mr. Curtin, I’m a “sport cyclist” who doesn’t ride his bike for pure pleasure. Baloney! We “sport cyclists” love riding our bikes just as much as he does. The road is for everyone and respecting all of the people who use it makes Austin roads safer for cyclists, cars, horses, and even (gulp) MAGA Republicans in pickup trucks. Kevin, let’s worry less about our differences and think more about what we have in common-love of cycling.