Sheriff's Race ICE Issue

RECEIVED Tue., March 27, 2012

Dear Editor,
    Re: “Sheriff Over ICE” [News, March 23]: This idea that it is cheaper to keep them is misleading and flawed.
    Having worked weatherizing low-income apartments in Texas for the last three years, I can tell you that the incentives for illegal immigrant families to come to the U.S. is overwhelming. Most of the Hispanic women I have met immediately get pregnant when they arrive, knowing the "anchor baby" law will most likely allow them to stay here.
    Upon their birth, the children receive Medicaid, WIC, and food stamps. Because the families cannot be turned away from emergency rooms, they go there for things like the flu and to get free medications. The children will go to public schools and can even qualify for college financial aid.
    Most working adults get paid cash and do not pay income taxes. Fake Social Security cards are big business in Texas. More than $20 billion is taken out of our economy and sent back to family members in Mexico alone every year.
    My view is that once a society starts to arbitrarily decide which laws to enforce, it sets a dangerous path down a slippery slope.
Mick Hayes
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