Dear Editor,
Re: “
Against Eastside Disc Golf Course” [“Postmarks,” Jan. 7]: Anita Quintanilla, I think you are misinformed as to the impact of disc golf courses. To claim that a proposed disc golf course in your community will be disturbing birds, damaging trees/plants, and an eyesore is most definitely “petty” (as you hinted it may be) and unvalidated. I won't even touch her claim of representing all Eastsiders on the issue, but I do live on the Eastside and could not disagree with her more. The matter of principle she claims to stand on does not hold up on an environmental basis or a community development one. Contrary to recent hot-air remarks, disc golf courses do not cause an adverse impact to the environment nor do they represent an activity that would be a negative aspect of a community. Anita, recognize you are complaining about a
park being put in because you claim it will not save the land for future generations. Would you rather it be developed as is, which is zoned for commercial development?
Added nugget: A number of disc golf courses already exist in East Austin; birds, trees, plants, and Anita withstanding.