Dear Editor,
Let me get this straight: Sue Spencer, who lives in Pflugerville, a community which absolved itself from paying the Capital Metro sales tax a few years ago, is upset that bus fares are about to increase, calling the fare increase "price gouging" [“
Postmarks,” Aug. 29]. Fares cover less than 5% of Capital Metro's operating expenses – 5%! While I might agree that Spencer, who lives outside the Cap Metro taxation area, shouldn't have to suffer a fare increase, she should be paying her fair share for the services she uses. By my calculation, this would be $340 for a monthly bus pass. Seriously, people who live outside of the Cap Metro taxation district shouldn't even be allowed to purchase a monthly bus pass. They're ripping off the Austin taxpayers who are paying for this service (or at least 95% of it). Spencer goes on to suggest that all state workers should ride the bus for free, because … suburban Republicans are entitled to welfare provided by Austin taxpayers? While happily sucking the marrow out of Austin taxpayers' bones, Spencer has the nerve to talk about greed. Have these suburban Republicans not one f'ing iota of shame? After 7 1/2 years of the Bush administration, the
only thing that's clear is the answer to this question: No they do not.