Dear Editor,
After reading Robert Bryce's opinion piece, "
If More CO2 Is Bad … Then What?" [News, Dec. 7], I concluded that Mr. Bryce is either an intellectual lightweight, a stooge for the oil and coal industries, or both.
Rather than dissect the many factual inaccuracies and fallacious claims in his article, it would behoove Mr. Bryce to actually examine some of the "developing countries" that he so dearly claims to care for.
Angola, a country in southwest Africa, is one of the fastest growing oil-exporting nations in the world. According to the World Bank, Angola received $30 billion in oil exports last year. However, the average worker in Angola lives on the equivalent of $2 per day, according to the World Bank, and approximately 25% of all children die before their 5th birthday. Angola also calls itself a "democracy," but due to rampant corruption, it has never held an election.
Then again, those are just facts, and for a man who uses charts supplied by British Petroleum to exaggerate global energy consumption, facts are either too difficult to comprehend or a mere nuisance to be overlooked.