Dear Editor, I am very disappointed you published Michael Ventura's anti-Israel screed in the Aug. 4 edition [“Letters @ 3am”]. It is one thing to question the logic of Israel's recent actions, but quite another to assert that "the greatest danger to Israel, in the long term, is its dependence on the United States." Actually, Michael, the greatest threat to Israel are states such as Iran and Syria and terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas that are committed to killing every Jew and wiping Israel off the map. One would have to be living in an alternate universe (or writing articles while stoned at 3am) to believe that the Israeli-American alliance poses a greater threat to Israel than, say, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's belief that Israel "is a fake regime [that] cannot not logically continue to live" (Associated Press, April 24) and his country's continued efforts to obtain nuclear weapons. The Israel-American alliance has been very beneficial to both countries and is more important than ever in our post-September 11 world. The present situation in Lebanon was caused by a terrorist group (supported by governments) crossing over established international borders and kidnapping Israeli soldiers. I would love to see the reaction in this country if a Mexican terrorist group crossed the Texas border and kidnapped a few U.S. soldiers. Does Mr. Ventura think we would – or should – simply sit back and not respond to such a brazen act? And what if this Mexican group then started shooting rockets at El Paso? Would we just take it and not respond? Of course not. But for some reason, writers like Mr. Ventura hold Israel to a higher standard and use this incident to implicitly suggest that the United States should abandon the only democratic and free society in the Middle East. As has been observed before, if all the Arab states and terrorist groups put down their weapons, there would be peace. If Israel put down her weapons, she would no longer exist. That is the reality of the situation and the reason that Israel must defend herself at all times.