Dear Editor, The Republican Attack Machine has cried for complete details on John Kerry's military service, and that's what John Kerry delivered – highly decorated I might add. Nothing to hide. What will RAM do now? Well, there's always Kerry's wife. I suggest an anger management course. Here's a quick rundown on those most influential in RAM, details on their own military service, or what they refer to as "war record." The term "war record" is appropriate I suppose considering they work for a guy that has labeled himself a "war president." These guys should have served in the Vietnam War with Kerry in order to avoid looking like complete hypocrites. So, did they? George W. Bush – National Guard. Big AWOL questions. No Vietnam. No combat. No comment. Dick Cheney – did not serve. John Ashcroft – did not serve. Rep. Tom DeLay – did not serve. Rep. Roy Blunt – did not serve. Dick Armey – did not serve. Karl Rove – did not serve. Bill Frist – did not serve. I think the fact that Paul Wolfowitz never served in our armed forces surprised me the most. After reading Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack, Wolfowitz was extremely passionate about sending our sons and daughters into Iraq – Bush (bless him) was convinced it was the right thing to do. I assumed Wolfowitz had been shot at before, fired back, thrown a grenade, and dealt with a guerilla or two. Nope. It is this reader's opinion that the current commander of our armed forces, along with his advisers, are nothing more than armchair generals, the same dismal corporate think tank that killed over 40,000 of our troops during the Vietnam era.