Yesterday being Thursday, I drove out of my way, parked illegally at my HEB, and left my car for a moment unlocked just so that I could get a copy of the Chronicle. This morning I'm wondering why I have to do that. Is the Chronicle actually prejudiced? My HEB is at 2222 and 620. I have asked repeatedly why I cannot get a Chronicle at least through the weekend there. I've been told time and again it's not their job. Last week Alex at the store on the mouth of Canyon Creek said he was told by you that you don't come out this way? What's your problem, Chronicle? I suggest that though Sixth Street Austin has your paper in every establishment ... for some reason you have decided to totally neglect northwest. We have needs. While I understand the disdain, isn't it way too stupid to neglect the Yuppie coke-heads with their three spoiled-ass kids? I mean particularly during the holiday season, especially the biggest shopping day of the year ... we all must get along. Do you guys need help?
Just wondering, Yo Newby Volente
[Circulation's Dan Hardick responds: Yo!
The people at HEB are correct. It is not their job to make sure their store is stocked with Chronicles, it is ours. As far as numbers of papers go, we rely on the independent contractors who deliver our papers to tell us when a location is getting too many or too few papers. It sounds like the HEB at 620 and 2222 isn't getting enough. I will definitely make note of that and see to it that when extra papers become available we put them there. In reference to the store at the mouth of Canyon Creek, I'm not exactly sure where that is. Let me know, and I will see if it makes economic sense for us to deliver there. The Chronicle prints 90,000 papers per week, and they are distributed at roughly 1,550 locations throughout Austin. Currently we have a waiting list of around 50 businesses and organizations who would like to become Chronicle> distribution locations. With a limited number of papers and a seemingly unlimited number of potential distribution locations, making sure all of our current drops have enough papers is a difficult and ongoing task, and it helps when people like you let us know when there is a problem.]