Wes Courageous at Meeting Racist and Hypocritical in Letter
RECEIVED Fri., Oct. 3, 2003
Dear editor, I was at the SRCC meeting described by Wes Benedict in last week's "Postmarks" [Oct. 3]. Though I voted to oppose the zoning change requested by Wal-Mart at Ben White and I-35, I thought Wes made a number of valid points at the meeting and presented them in a reasoned manner. You'll remember me, Wes, as the person who mentioned to you that it took guts to stand up for your opinions, even when it was clear most of the room already disagreed. By contrast, your letter to the Chronicle was an act of pure cowardice. To claim that there was a racist subtext to your neighbors' opposition is not just inaccurate but a cynical misrepresentation. As I recall, not once did an opponent bring up race or, for that matter, indicate that his or her position was based on a dislike for those who work at or patronize Wal-Mart. Indeed, I know that one reason I "hate Wal-Mart" is because they have a record of exploiting their employees. I also don't like their callous disregard for the concerns of neighbors and predatory business practices, but like you, I believe people have a right to shop where they want (and have defended Wal-Mart to friends on those grounds before). That does not mean, however, that I have to facilitate the construction of a store that threatens to degrade Blunn Creek and shutter a perfectly good facility in use less than a mile away. Also, you pretty much lose me when you denigrate Wal-Mart's opponents as "white boutique bitches." Wow, Wes, you managed in just three words to be racist, misogynistic, and hypocritical. Nice going. And by the way, "Oriental" went out with "nigger." Those people you saw in Wal-Mart were Asian.