30 Things
The highs, the lows, the lists
Fri., Nov. 5, 2010
• We're republishing the first year's issues online every two weeks (that's how often we published for the first seven years).
• We're running vintage ads from some of our original advertisers in the paper and challenging readers to spot the old ad (weekly winners are entered in a drawing for a pile of prizes to be awarded at the publishing year's end).
... and, in the spirit of the arbitrary passions and obsessions on which we've staked our reputation ...
• We're compiling lists of 30 notable (or laughable or lamentable) takes on the Chronicle's coverage, culture, and commentary for the past three decades and publishing them online. This week, for instance, you might want to check out our Promotions department's criminally overlooked "30 Clooneys," and in coming weeks look for such gems as "30 x 30: Restaurants and Food Trends Over the Past 30 Years," "30 Notable Headlines," and "30 Things We've Declared Dead."
You can find it all on our website: austinchronicle.com/year30.