For his first single since thoughtful folk exploration Long Night (2019), Jordan Moser offers a blunt instruction: “Get your ass back to the wild.” But since it’s a work of the San Marcos-based, Keeled Scales-approved singer-songwriter, who’s also involved in various environmental causes, the line sings much more subtly, like a mantra. Following Molly Burch’s involvement on his last record, Wimberley’s excellent Natalie Jane Hill takes backup here – and duets on the prayerlike “Memory Palace.”: With Moser’s full album out this Friday, Hill aptly applauds PERIL for “shedding light on the harsh realities of this world, while keeping that light on and showing the beauty too. To me, PERIL is a record of hope and accountability.” Looping in like-minded Austin songsmiths on such efforts, Moser plays the Hole in the Wall every Tuesday in August. Genevieve Poist joins August 1 with wisps of country influence and truck bed Americana scenes as Virginia Creeper. More to orbit Moser’s tearstained globe: Tyler Jordan and Emily No Good (Aug. 8), Alex Dupree and Fishplate (Aug. 15), Ryan Sambol and Blair Robbins (Aug. 22), and Little Mazarn and Jenny Carson (Aug. 29).
Tue., Aug. 1, 9pm