The Austin Chronicle

I'd Like to Thank My Widgets

By Richard Whittaker, March 10, 2008, 1:26am, SXSW

Nineteen awards in one hour. Chronicle cover star Eugene Mirman may have officially become the greatest award ceremony emcee ever after wrangling the 11th annual South by Southwest Web Awards to an efficient end. Because, as he reminded everyone, we all had drinking to do.

After handing out his own special award to Mike Birbiglia for most pointless and rambling blog (apparently, according to Mirman, awards presenters are allowed to do that), he continued with the awards ceremony. But it wasn't just back-slapping and praise; the audience learned something, as well. That if you don't turn up to collect your award, the guys from Ask a Ninja will pick it up for you; that winner Elf Yourself was designed as a front for ninjas; and that, because the Web develops so quickly, a classic website is one that predates Jan. 1, 2007. As the folks from Wired put it, "This means we've been around a year. I look forward to the guys from I Can Has Cheezburger winning this next year."

Read the rest of this story for the full list of winners.

Activism: World Without Oil

Amusement: Elf Yourself

Art: Viscosity

Blog: Passive-Aggressive Notes

Business: Wikinvest

CSS: Ficlets

Classic: Wired

Community: Flock

Educational Resource: The Story of Stuff

Experimental: MetaNotes

Film/TV: Animoto Productions

Games: Launchball

Mobile: Mosio

Motion Graphics: HL2

Music: Minuit

Personal Portfolio: JLern Design

Student: Paper Critters

Technical Achievement: Twiddla!

People's Choice Award: Kongregate

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