Preregister for the Austin Gamblers GLBT Bowling League!
By Sofia Resnick, 10:37PM, Mon. Aug. 27, 2007
Attention, Austin. The Austin Gamblers GLBT bowling league commences its 21st season this fall, and, specifically, they are looking for those of you who consider yourselves to be: G, L, B, T, all of the above, none of the above, or just really good bowlers. You don't even have to be a good bowler; you just have to have a passion for big balls and high impact.
Oh … and it's not free. The Austin Gamblers league runs for 32 weeks. All the ball-busting you can handle will cost you $14 per week, plus a one-time United States Bowling Congress membership fee of $18. And, of course, a portion of the league's proceeds will be donated to local nonprofit GLBT organizations.
There will be a general membership meeting tonight (Tuesday, Aug. 28) at 8:30pm, at Dart Bowl, 5700 Grover Ave. Even if you miss the meeting, you can still preregister by e-mailing the league secretary, Steve Schoendienst, at [email protected] or by calling him at 833-8103. But hurry! The first night of bowling starts Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 8:30pm. All events will be held at Dart Bowl.
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