The Austin Chronicle

Exclusive: Watch This Clip From Austin-Made Rap Road Trip Lost Soulz

By Richard Whittaker, May 8, 2024, 11:00am, Picture in Picture

Lost Soulz, Austin filmmaker Katherine Propper's rap road trip across Texas and through the convoluted lives of Gen Z artists, is heading for the big screen, and we have an exclusive clip to share.

In the Tribeca Film Festival-selected drama, Sauve Sidle plays Sol, a rising East Austin musician who finds himself going from house parties to the tour bus when he hooks up with a rising crew of lo-fi rappers.

The movie opens this weekend in Austin at AFS Cinema, with a special cast and crew screening and live musical performance ahead of its release on Blu-ray on June 4 from Kino Lorber. As Propper told the Chronicle before the film made its local debut at Sound Unseen Film + Music festival last December, the film's visuals reflects her filmmaking style, which she described as "naturalistic, but I hope also visually beautiful and aesthetically colorful."

In this exclusive clip from Lost Soulz, Sol and the crew hang out at a skate park, one of the gritty yet dreamlike locations they find on their voyage of self-discovery in which Sol's tensions with self-appointed group leader Seven (Aaron Melloul) start to become apparent.

Lost Soulz opens this Friday, May 10, at the AFS Cinema, 6259 Middle Fiskville. The opening night screening will include a post-show musical performance by cast members Malachi Mabson, Alex Brackney, Krystall Poppin, Micro TDH, and Sauve Sidle, followed by a Q&A with director Katherine Propper, producers Andrés Figueredo Thomson and Juan Carlos Figueredo, and the cast, hosted by Andrew Bujalski. Tickets and info at

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