The Austin Chronicle

The AggreGAYtor: April 2

By David Estlund, April 2, 2015, 3:20pm, Qmmunity

Lobbying the courts is a thing in Texas, Indiana loses its big gay pizza wedding, and Rand Paul erases a big chunk of humanity, as your AggreGAYtor regrets hir genital mutilation.

The Good

The DOJ is fighting Texas’ attempt at skirting federal employment rules.

The Texas Supreme Court is “not an agency of the government that can be lobbied.”

The Texas Observer has our backs.

Arkansas has rejected its Indiana-style “religious freedom” bill.

Guys, marriage equality is almost here, and the Times is on it.

Millennials are totally gay.

The Bad

Indiana starts discriminating in earnest.

The Texas House of Representatives approved a measure to divert funds from HIV prevention to abstinence-only education – because that’s worked out great so far.

The Fugly

Rand Paul just called our identities a lifestyle choice.

Indiana should have known better before it adopted anti-LGBTQ discrimination as law.

Kentucky’s defense of its marriage ban amounts to, “straight dudes can’t marry each other.”

It Came from the Tubes

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