The Austin Chronicle

Where the Girls Go/ATX: The Peculiar Edition

By Sarah Marloff, November 21, 2014, 12:30pm, Qmmunity

Sometimes you need a break from the typical Saturday night dance party. And that’s exactly what the next few days are offering our queerest little community. From punktastic drag, to punk rockers and leather, this weekend only pretends to scare the faint of heart. So put your toughest face forward, and get ready for a perfectly peculiar weekend.

Friday: Honor your punk/goth tendencies tonight at Bulimianne Rhapsody’s inaugural Hail YASSSS party. Once a month, some of Austin’s most fierce queens will hail the goddesses (and gods, presumably) of the alt-rock, new wave world. Who better to launch a series than one miss SIOUXSIE?

Suggestion: Between the $0 cover, Louisianna Purchase, Kitty Buick, and Zane Xena, we’re pretty much guaranteeing a queertastic time. So go.

Saturday: Fill yerself up on bands tonight, because the queers with guitars are out in force. Chicana punk rockers FEA will be breakin' sh... er, stuff and winning hearts at Beerland; while Whiite Walls offers up some warm disco for a cold night, at Spider House.

Suggestion: We hear Spider House is offering free Lyft rides with their discount code; to us this says: Party hop.

Sunday: Back for a second mention this weekend, Louisianna Purchase and Kitty Buick are up to no good again tonight. And this time, they're doing it in leather. Oh, that’s just because Rain on 4th is hosting a hot and sticky Leather Ball featuring a performance by the eclectic Dead Love Club.

Suggestion: Spend the day fill up on art with EAST, so you’re ready to get as wild as a Sunday night leather ball requires.

Still craving gay? Visit The Gay Place, and don't forget to follow Where The Girls Go/ATX for all yer queer grrrl needs. Xs and Os.

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