The Austin Chronicle

Best. Day. Ev.AR.

By Kate X Messer, March 5, 2008, 4:10pm, Qmmunity

First, I woke up knowing that it was not a dream: Last night I became a delegate for the Travis County Democratic Convention.

Then heard news of more rumblings of a joint ticket.

Then learned that dates and line-up for this summer's True Colors tour were announced (see next blog post).

Realized there are some films and some bands (scroll down to the Billy Zoom and James McNew "Pick Three"s) at SXSW that I am so excited to be witness to...

Could this day GET any better?


Because, then I was invited to ride in the WEINERMOBILE which is back in Austin for the rodeo.


How is your day going? I sure hope it's as swell as mine!

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