The Austin Chronicle

News Ticker: May 6

By Brandon Watson, May 6, 2013, 3:22pm, Newsdesk

Louie Gohmert goes into battle, the NRA goes out with a bang, and Rick Perry goes to bat. Nervous energy is on the News Ticker.

• This weekend, Texans were busy jockeying to prove they are BFFs with the Second Amendment. In the House, lawmakers hurried through a cluster of pro-gun bills.

• Meanwhile, some displays at the Houston National Rifle Association convention were considered more appropriate than others.

• And thanks to Texas company Defense Distributed, folks looking to avoid pesky background checks will soon be able to print their own guns. They should just be really careful to avoid typos.

• The printable guns may prove especially popular in Austin, where there is apparently some traffic problems. The more you know …

• Like so many baking soda volcanoes, outrage is brewing over religious freedom. Gov. Rick Perry was absolutely gobsmacked to find out that University Interscholastic League track stars aren't protected from the demon hordes of secularism. Why, kids can't even showboat express deeply held religious convictions anymore.

• Later, Perry was a guest of the Family Research Council’s “Stand With Scouts Sunday” webcast. From what we can gather, Perry wants the Boy Scouts to win the culture war by sneaking up on LGBT rights advocates during their afternoon "siesta" (read: brunch). Maybe Perry remembers the Alamo too well.

• Rep. Louie Gohmert would be the perfect person to lead them to battle. He's certainly gullible enough.

• All this chaos was probably because Sen. Leticia Van de Putte became Governor for the day. Did we learn nothing from Ann Richards?

• As KUT points out, there is a disagreement between the Statesman and the Chronicle on the AISD bonds. We would try to arm wrestle them, but the new paywalls make it difficult to get a good grip.

Kyle Animal Control warns that either coyotes, bobcats, birds of prey, chupacabras, or Rep. Louie Gohmert is killing the town's small animals.

• In their annual round-up, the Daily Beast and Newsweek have ranked five Austin ISD schools as among the best in the nation .

• The 2012 Austin Law Firm Diversity Report Card reveals some firms are still lacking in minority participation.

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