The Austin Chronicle

Newsgeist: 1/14/11

By Eric Pickhartz, January 14, 2011, 6:43am, Newsdesk

Start your Friday morning with a hot cup of Newsgeist! In today's edition you'll find news on a Texas Senator who's calling it quits, Brazilian floods, and the North Korea situation. Read more for the links.

-Friday means you get a weekly market update.

-Kay Baily Hutchinson will not campaign for re-election next year, opening the door for others.

-Texas youth prison system officials received a pay raise last year, much to the chagrin of other state agencies who where forced to make cuts.

-The US Defense Secretary holds hope that peace talks with North Korea will happen.

-529 people have already lost their loves in the Brazilian floods.

-Jeopardy is pitting Watson, and IBM-made trivia computer against past champions next month. See a preview here.

-And finally, the mystery of the San Antonio Water System problems has been solved.

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