The Daily Hustle: 12/2/10
All I want for Xmas is a new website, Downtown plan
By Wells Dunbar, 11:05AM, Thu. Dec. 2, 2010
Quick hits from the Hustle today: announcements on everything from holiday events, tech initiatives, Downtown redevelopment and more.
Follow us below the fold as the Hustle cleans out his inbox.
A press conference tomorrow on the city’s holiday plans, held under the Zilker tree:
City to announce holiday eventsCity Manager Marc Ott raised eyebrows earlier this year announcing the city’s investment in a continuance of First Night Austin, coming immediately after the budget season’s cancellation of the Trail of Lights. Interesting …The City of Austin and its community partners are proud to host more than 40 family-friendly holiday events throughout December. City officials at a news conference Friday, Dec. 3, will discuss some of those events, including the theme for this year’s City-sponsored New Year celebration, and will provide information on how you can find out more about festivities.
In addition to many old traditions, new festivities this year include Austin's New Year, Holiday Movies in the Park, and the Flipped on Christmas light show.
… The city’s long-loading refresh of the municipal website keeps cycling, with a deadline extension for companies to submit their redesign bids:
City extends deadline for Phase II Web redesign RFP… And if you thought that was taking a while: More signs of life regarding the Downtown Austin Plan. The city’s set to hold an open house on the project next week …Vendors interested in the installation and implementation phase of the AustinGO website can now submit their proposals prior to 1 p.m. Dec. 22, 2010.
Open House to spotlight Downtown Austin Plan recommendationsThree years, my tuckus …The City of Austin will be hosting an Open House Wednesday, Dec. 8, to present to the public recommendations for Downtown Austin’s future and discuss next steps in making them happen.
The Downtown Austin Plan was developed over three years with the input from hundreds of Austinites. The purpose of the Open House will be to present the draft Plan recommendations and to discuss the transition from Plan creation to Plan implementation. Participants will be encouraged to review and provide feedback on various elements of the recommendations. Representatives from various City departments that played a key role in development of the plan will be available to answer questions and gather feedback from the public.
The Open House will be from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Austin Convention Center, Ballroom B, 500 E. Cesar Chavez St.
What the hell else is happening?
On the city calendar: A special called meeting of the City Council to go over proposed SunPower economic development incentives is happening at City Hall, 301 W. Second, 2pm.
The Environmental Board's Water Treatment Plant #4 Subcommittee meets at One Texas Center, Room 240, 505 Barton Springs, 3pm.
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The Daily Hustle, City Council, Downtown, Zilker Tree, Parks and Recreation, Website Redesign