The Daily Hustle: 5/3/10
Blue bins and 'hood friends
By Wells Dunbar, 11:49AM, Mon. May 3, 2010
Sure, TDH toldya he'd have a write-up of the City Manager's press pow-wow today, but then the Hustle left his meticulously cataloged notes at the office all weekend. Good thing they didn't get recycled, since (segue!) more Blue Bin talk's bubbling up.
… No council meeting this week – they don't convene until next Thursday, May 13 – but the draft agenda is posted. While the proposed Arizona boycott isn't on the agenda yet, there are a few other items of note – including a 10:30am briefing on going over the short-listed proposals for a long delayed, much needed Material Recovery Facility, a center for sorting recyclables that's the first step to recycling the city's Blue Bin stream locally. And among public hearings, an appeal of the Zoning and Platting denial of a Conditional Use site plan for the tres controversial proposal plotting a medical center on W. 38th.
… The city's neighborhood matching fund program looks ready for liftoff. A plank of then-candidate Bill Spelman's platform (see "Cash for Neighborhoods,") the plan, modeled after similarly progressive cities like Seattle, stretches city dollars by asking neighbors to invest equity in projects to improve their neighborhood, via funds, labor or other contributions. A list of potential projects has also been posted on the city's website. "The Neighborhood Partnering Program allows Austinites to help the City prioritize projects which directly impact neighborhood quality of life," says Spelman in a press release. "And despite the economic downturn, it will help keep these important projects rolling by matching the City's stretched funds with neighborhood contributions."
What the hell else is happening?
From the city calendar: The Public Safety Commission meets in the Board and Commission room at City Hall, 310 W. Second, 4pm. Along with PS budget updates, they'll receive a briefing on the proposed police camera program.
The Austin Music Commission is happening at the B&C room at 6pm. They'll get brought up to speed on the Austin Latino Music Association's work this Latino music month.
The Police Monitor's Citizen Review Panel meets in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 6pm. An excessive force complaint is on the agenda, but who knows what other topics (cough) citizens may address the panel regarding.
The joint committee of the Parks and Recreation Board & Environmental Board convenes at the Zilker Botanical Gardens Auditorium, 2220 Barton Springs, 6pm. Tree briefings aplenty, including a Barton Springs tree court case study, and more Heritage Tree talk.
Thanks to intern Jillian Richardson for helping compile the B&C meetings this week!
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The Daily Hustle, City Council, Environment, Neighborhoods, Neighborhood Matching Plan