Eddie Rodriguez, the Blogger's Friend
Floor access for bloggers?
By Wells Dunbar, 4:44PM, Fri. Jan. 12, 2007
So he withdrew it before it went down like a lead zeppelin, but Austin Rep. Eddie Rodriguez proposed language earlier today that would have allowed bloggers access to the House floor.
"With the rise of citizen journalism, it no longer makes sense to limit access to House business solely to the traditional press outlets," says Rodriguez's press release. "This kind of measure would encourage citizen participation in government and help demystify the system for the general public."
Rodriguez's move was an encouraging step, as is a bill up this session drafting a shield law for journalists – although an early draft of it strips independent journalists, such as bloggers, of its protections. Why only afford them to the pros?
Got something to say on the subject? Send a letter to the editor.
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Richard Whittaker, Aug. 28, 2014
Richard Whittaker, June 24, 2014
Kate X Messer, Nov. 3, 2014
Kate X Messer, Oct. 7, 2013
Legislature, Politics, Meta, Eddie Rodriguez, Blog, Blogging, Shield Law, Journalism