Q&A Hole: You Can Be Reincarnated into Anything

…except a human

When the body dies, what becomes of the soul? Does our elemental consciousness disappear into the ether or transmigrate into a new body?

If that latter were indeed the case, it stands to reason that our odds of being a human twice in a row are low – given how many animals, plants, insects, fungi, and protozoans inhabit this planet. Those vast options inspired a question we posed to Sabrina Ellis of Sweet Spirit and A Giant Dog, Asleep at the Wheel’s Ray Benson, Kevin McKeown and Eric Owen from Black Pistol Fire, Trouble in the Street’s Nnedi Nebula Agbaroji, and Kady Rain.

“You have the choice of being reincarnated into any living thing on this planet… except a human. Would you choose?”

Q&A Hole is edited by John Anderson, produced by Tamar Price, and thought up by myself, music and cannabis reporter Kevin Curtin. Jana Birchum and Jacob Schmidt recorded the audio, and the theme song is by Kevin Curtin, Jonas Wilson, and Timothy Abdnour.

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Q&A Hole, Sabrina Ellis, Sweet Spirit, A Giant Dog, Asleep at the Wheel, Ray Benson, Kevin McKeown, Eric Owen, Black Pistol Fire, Trouble in the Street, Nnedi Nebula Agbaroji, Kady Rain, Chronicle Video

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