The Austin Chronicle

The AggreGAYtor: October 10

By David Estlund, October 10, 2014, 12:10pm, Qmmunity

Obamacare aids the gays, Time Warner pulls a big "oops," and Mike Huckabee thinks two branches should revolt against the Constitution, as your AggreGAYtor chalks up a few rainbows.

The Good

Even after Obamacare, insurance coverage is still lower for LGBTQ Americans, but organizations are working to change that.

A rabbi comes out as gay and his congregants accept his identity. It’s hard for his family, but the more this happens now, the less it must happen again.

The Bad

Time Warner Austin sent out an oopsie gay porn tweet. It’s only bad because the oopsie probably means some well-intentioned homo just lost his job.

The Fugly

Mike Huckabee dislikes checks and balances.

It Came from the Tubes

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