Green Events, Nov. 15-21
8:52PM, Wed. Nov. 14, 2007
Interested in a little theatre, this week? Some shopping, perhaps? Wanna take a class, go to a party, eat something tasty, build a bike, volunteer, attend a lecture, or maybe just fight the man? Well, you can do green versions of all of these things this week, and by green, we don't mean the Christmas kind. It's not even Thanksgiving yet, people, c'mon!
[See Calendar for all Chronicle listings.]
Thursday, November 15
AUSTIN CACTUS & SUCCULENT SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING Third Thursdays, 7:30pm. Austin Area Garden Center, 2220 Barton Springs Rd. (in Zilker Botanical Gardens). Free., November 16
CONVERSATION WITH A TRAMP: AN EVENING WITH JOHN MUIR Actor Lee Stetson portrays the iconic environmental crusader in this performance familiar to summer vacationers at Yosemite National Park, which has hosted the play for 25 years. Stetson will re-enact Muir's final moments as he awaits an important decision from Washington about the fate of Hetch Hetchy Valley. 7:30pm. First Unitarian Universalist Church, 4700 Grover, 452-6168. $18 ($15, in advance). AWARENESS IN THE ENVIRONMENT Fridays, 9:15-10:15am. Ruta Maya, 3601 S. Congress Ste. D-200, 707-9637. Free, with cafe purchase.
THE CHANGING DEBATE ON GLOBAL WARMING The Hot Science Cool Talks lecture series returns tonight with this discussion from UT School of Geosciences Dean Eric Barron. Designed to give regular schmoes some insight into just what the heck UT's scientists are up to, these discussions always feature interactive activities, demonstrations, and Q&A sessions. If you can't make it to the real thing, you can even watch the webcast instead. See for details. 5:45-8:30pm. UT campus, Welch Hall, 2.224, 828-2996. Free.
Saturday, November 17
AUSTIN PARKS FOUNDATION VOLUNTEER PROJECTS Interested in spreading some gravel, shoveling some mulch, or trimming back some vegetation along one of Austin's many outdoor trails this morning? There are several such projects around town today, and some even reward you with free food and live music. See to pick your good deed for the day.CONSCIOUS & RESPECTFUL HERBALISM Learn how to re-establish "at-risk" herbs into the environment. 9:30am-12:30pm. Austin School of Herbal Studies, 8803 Bear Creek, 301-5838. $50.
FRANKEN BIKE All are welcome to buy, sell, or trade bike parts and gear at this friendly once-a-month swap meet. Location changes monthly; see website for details. 11am-4pm. Free.
GRAZE FEST AT SUNSET VALLEY FARMERS MARKET features all the usual fresh, local produce but also features special guest experts happy to answer your questions about grass-fed, pasture-raised animals. Get your picture taken on a longhorn today to commemorate the event, and bring the kids so they can learn all about milking cows. 9am-1pm. Toney Burger Center, 3200 Jones. Free.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUSTIN FARMERS' MARKET! Austin's weekly downtown farmers' market celebrates its fifth year with a morning of special chef demonstrations, live music, and kids activities, along with the usual abundance of fresh, local, organic foods. 9am-1pm. Republic Square Park, 422 Guadalupe, 974-6700. Free.
SCOTT'S 3-1-1 POTHOLE RIDE Join local environmentalist Scott Johnson on a research bike ride today to collect data on dangerous road conditions (such as utility pavement cuts and manhole covers) that need maintenance attention from the city. Food and drinks provided afterward for all participants. Call or e-mail for details. 3-5:30pm. 389-2250. [email protected].
TEXAS BAMBOO SOCIETY Learn all about the different types of bamboo that grow well in Austin, and groom some bamboo yourself in the Taniguchi Japanese Garden (bring hand clippers, loppers, a saw, and gloves). 10am-1pm. Zilker Botanical Garden, 2220 Barton Springs Rd., 929-9565. Free.
TREES & TRAILS CELEBRATION Join the Rotary Club of Austin-Oak Hill and TreeFolks today in dedicating a new trailhead near the Hampton library. To celebrate, there will be nature tours, the city of Austin will be commemorating the tree of the year, and TreeFolks will be giving away free saplings and tree-growing guide posters. Illustrator Robert O'Brien will be signing the posters, and Mr. Habitat brings the live music. It's a party, folks. A trees and trails party. 10am. Will Hampton Branch Library, 5125 Convict Hill Rd., 892-6680. Free.
WALLER CREEK DESIGN WORKSHOP The Waller Creek corridor Downtown is undergoing a redesign as it's removed from the floodplain, and today the advisory committee is seeking your input in a number of areas, including the design of storm-water collection points, ideas for amenities and surrounding buildings, and visions for the overall look of creek improvements. 9am-noon. Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second, 974-7139. Free.
Sunday, November 18
HAPPY LIVING WITH JUSTICE meets every week for awareness-raising discussion and yoga. Today, Nuke Free Texas' Karen Hadden discusses the proposed expansion of the South Texas Project nuclear plant near Bay City. 3:30pm. Carver Library, 1161 Angelina, 974-1010. Free. [email protected].Tuesday, November 20
NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY OF TEXAS Learn all about passionflowers this evening from Katie Hanson of the UT School of Biological Sciences. 7-9pm. Wild Basin Wilderness meeting room, 805 Capital of TX Hwy. N., 472-1062. Free., November 21
MIDWEEK AUSTIN FARMERS' MARKET Wednesdays, 3-7pm. The Triangle, 46th Street, between Guadalupe & Lamar. Free.
KEEP AUSTIN BEAUTIFUL AWARDS Who do you think deserves recognition for keeping Austin beautiful? Be sure to make your nomination soon – KAB Award winners will be honored at the annual awards luncheon in February, but the nomination deadline is almost here: Dec. 7. note to readers: Bold and uncensored, The Austin Chronicle has been Austin’s independent news source for over 40 years, expressing the community’s political and environmental concerns and supporting its active cultural scene. Now more than ever, we need your support to continue supplying Austin with independent, free press. If real news is important to you, please consider making a donation of $5, $10 or whatever you can afford, to help keep our journalism on stands.