So the weather outside may not be so frightful. But it's not like it's the unseasonal warmth is what's causing Avant Glam Cabaret and friends to drop their outer garments. That's just their way of proclaiming Hello Holiday!.
Like a risqué Charlie Brown special, it seems like it's not a holiday in Austin without a themed burlesque. So each of the city's troupes have made a certain celebration their own: Black Widow has Spanksgiving, the Jigglewatts put a little romance in their prance with their Valentine spectacular. And the Christmas spirit has become embodied in the shimmying frames of Avant Glam and their co-founder and producer, Sassy Delure. She said, "When you've got a holiday, it lends itself to a theme. There's always a Valentine's Day, a Halloween show, a Christmas show, everyone can relate to that"
Last year the troupe performed their 12 Nights of Christmas; this Christmas, they're getting festive with their last show at the Highball, and the last show before Delure takes a well-earned (but, she promises, not permanent) hiatus. The selection of routines will actually draw heavily on last year's show, with Delure performing her "Swans A-Swimming" number. Pun intended, she said, "We have a lot of birds in this show."
The seasonally themed extravaganza, set for the eve before Christmas Eve, gathers under the mistletoe with the core quintet of co-founders Delure and Roxie Moxie, Lita Luck, Lilly LaFleur, and Matilda Love. Delure said, "It's basically the most avant garde acts that Avant Glam has, but the other half is from other performers, who'll be performing everything from the Grinch to some classic bump and grind holiday acts."
That means a stuffed stocking full of some of the scene's most magnificent ecdysiasts, peelers, and bump-and-grinders: the unequaled Coco Lectric, pulchritudinous Chola Magnolia, airborne Bethany Summersizzle, the exquisite Layna D'Luna, and the performer so sinful it's even in her name, Sabra JohnSin. "Basically," Delure said, "the best the Austin scene has to offer. It's the perfect treat before the holidays hit."
Avant Glam Cabaret presents Hello Holiday! tonight, Dec. 23, at the Highball, 1120 S. Lamar. Doors 8pm, show 9pm. Tickets $15-$30. Tickets at
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