Qmmunity: From Harvey Milk to 2020’s Rainbow Wave

Plus Bizarre Stripper Burlesque and Cheer Ups Quarantikki Happy Hour

Catch Papi/Jinxy pouty in pink Saturday (Photo by Javier Gonzalez)

This Friday, May 22, is Harvey Milk Day. California's annual celebration honors Milk's legacy as the first openly gay elected official in California, where he served on San Francisco's Board of Supervisors before his assassination in 1978. Even in the Lone Star State, the day's testament to LGBTQIA representation feels especially salient. In a May 12 letter to Austin-Travis County officials, the Texas Attorney General's Office not only deemed Austin's COVID-19 precautions "unlawful" (its own absurdity) but also took offense at city policy banning essential services employers – including houses of worship – from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. As I've written here before: I'm not surprised by this BS. Bigots may be bigoting, but we can ride 2020's "Rainbow Wave" to November's elections and vote some of 'em out; and we can make ourselves heard by filling out the census (see www.queerthecensusatx.org). At the very least, I think, we can reach out to our LGBTQIA friends or fam with an offering of what these clowns fear the most: hope. Because without hope, to paraphrase Milk, "the us'es" will give up, and I know we never do. ... In other queer'd news, many thanks to those that have shared their BT2 memories with me (email [email protected]). I'm compiling them for a new installment of Qmmunity's "barchive," so keep 'em coming.

2 to Do

Quarantiki Hour Dance to a disco DJ set by Winona Grindr while a Cheer Ups bartender teaches y'all a tasty new drink (or two). All virtual tips benefit CUC's staff fund. Thursdays, 6pm. www.instagram.com/cheerupcharlies.

Pouty Pink Cabaret If in doubt, watch the Bizarre Stripper Burlesque babes and don't pout. Louisianna Purchase hosts a menagerie of virtual performances by Estée Slaughter, Sylvia Hatchet, Jinxy Deviate, and others, plus special guest TS Era Victoria. Sat., May 23, 9pm-12mid. $4.99-29.99. www.somekindofbizarrestripper.com.

Q'd Up

LGBTQ+ COVID-19 Experiences Across Texas Survey by Dell Medical School. Ongoing. www.dellmed.utexas.edu.

"Dyke-a-Day" Submissions Performances about the lezzes in your life – past, present, and future – are welcome. Through Thu., May 31.* www.instagram.com/lezbintouch.

Queer Happy Hour Austin DSA hosts a casual, virtual space for like-minded qmmunity members. Thu., May 21, 7-8pm. www.austindsa.org.

Health and Wellness Committee With Austin's LGBTQIA chamber. Fri., May 22, 10:30-11:30am. www.austinlgbtchamber.com.

DJ Chorizo Funk Rock your body twice. Fridays, 8pm; Saturdays, 10pm. www.fb.com/djchorizofunk.

Interfaces Soups' workshop, "Natural Solutions to Climate Change." Sat., May 23, noon-2pm. www.fb.com/atxinterfaces.

Sir Rat Virtual Gear Night Getcher gear on. Sat., May 23, 8-9:15pm. www.fb.com/sirratleather.

Transforming Wellness Techniques for wellness practitioners working with trans/GNC clientele. Wed., May 27, 2-5pm. $80. www.spectrumwellnessaustin.com.

The deadline for Lez B in Touch's "Dyke-A-Day" has been extended to May 31. This post has been updated to reflect that change.

Want more queer? Visit austinchronicle.com/qmmunity

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Austin LGBTQ, Austin LGBTQ, Harvey Milk, Harvey Milk Day, 2020 Rainbow Wave, Texas Attorney General's Office, "Queer the Census", BT2

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