The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, October 5, 2018, Columns

According to Andrew Dent of Material ConneXion, 95% of every car that goes on the road in the U.S. gets recycled, and about 75% of it actually gets used again. That includes steel and aluminum, but also plastics from the fender and interiors, glass from the windows and windshield, and tires.

According to University of Colorado at Denver researchers, Uber and Lyft drivers travel 69 miles without a passenger, conservatively, for every 100 miles they travel with passengers.

According to Noreen Malone of Slate, talk show hosts always sit on the right side of the screen (stage left) because in the theory of stagecraft, a rightward placement telegraphs royalty. In Western culture, we read from left to right, and we watch theatre and TV that way, too. Our eyes end up on the right side of the screen.

Monkeys appeared in Africa more than 23 million years ago, and then in South America a few million years ago, but they never got to North America naturally.

Millennials are 40% more likely to overdraw their checking accounts if they use mobile payments, according to a financial literacy report from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America.

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